O Mel das Palavras | O Convite (Parte III)

"O efeito na voz deixa antever algo imperceptível, um outro sinal de uma aura que comporta em si uma mistura de tons negros com cinzentos, assumidos, nestes tempos em que tudo aponta para que vá existir sempre algo de especial, não linear, que requer a nossa atenção.

Qualquer que seja a abordagem, o tipo de sons que nos entram nos ouvidos, é uma simbiose estranha, sujeita a dúvidas que nos corroem as entranhas a cada instante, um arrebatamento que nos deixa entorpecidos num leito de cama caótico. Será assim, amanhã, quando me vires com um sorriso que não precisa de palavras, entre os copos de vinho partilhados ao jantar e os duelos de pernas debaixo da mesa quando até decidimos aceitar aqueles convites de espontaneidade, reunidos no anonimato de um restaurante, de uma cidade que não nos vê e nas ruas a pedirem um pouco de nós, balanceados pelo andar trôpego das nossas bocas."

Nuno Almeida, Ecos de Gravidade, 2010

Do You?
Guardar [MP3, ZIP] Duração [21:40] Data: 02-07-2010

01. Lusine - Operation Costs
02. Telefon Tel Aviv - Your Mouth
03. The Golden Palominos - You Are Never Ready
04. Port-Royal - Exhausted Muse/Europe
05. Damero - Capricorn Saltlick
06. Lali Puna - Alienation

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02 julho, 2010 13:57 ×

um convite que provoca a imaginação ...
ou simplesmente,
recorda momentos que ficam numa memória virtualmente escondida ... é bom revê-los

02 julho, 2010 14:42 ×


Pode-se dizer que existem vários convites neste caso, uns mais específicos do que outros, mas fica à nossa imaginação, como sempre. :)

10 julho, 2010 12:47 ×

You do more mixes than I can keep up with ; )
Listened to this one with the rising sun in front of me, and then let it play a few times until I lost track of the beginning and end... the final song becomes a perfect intro to the melodic IDM dream-piece opener by Lusine.
These are beautiful songs that have the feeling of a cluster of clouds passing by-- huge, complex, and moving along at a mesmerizing pace... without a care in the world.

10 julho, 2010 13:17 ×

Your words, and the way you describe your feelings, give me always a big smile reading them. :)

I can almost picture you listening to it on that scenario and seems perfect. In a way, when i did this, it started with words on my mind and the electronic event i was about to participate in the next day, but things went away from that, as usual.

It makes me really happy reading how you like it, how you felt with it, gives me hope and strength to continue doing this, seeing how you feel a connection with some people on what we're doing. :)

15 julho, 2010 01:28 ×

I agree- it;s good to start with an idea and then let the creative process go-- ending wherever it wants to! And yes-- I feel a connection! These mixes you make are really good- I love the atmosphere you create. Your song choices are really some of the best I've seen- you are probably like me-- taking note of the best songs every time you hear a new album! But it's hard to imagine this music with a dancefloor- because I always hear it in a very personal and semi-isolated environment.
Have you ever listened to "Wasps' Nests" by The 6ths? A few songs on that CD really remind me of what you do... the whole album is quite good.
Sorry I don't write more often- I could probably have a very long talk with you-- but I don't want to be annoying... (I hope this translates correctly)

Keep the mixes coming : )

15 julho, 2010 09:55 ×

Many thx again for the kind words. :)

It's a little weird, i start listening to an album for example and in minutes something on my mind tells me that song x or y, could work in certain environments and ideas. It's a battle sometimes, between the dancefloor and others that could work somewhere else, even if i believe that we can dance to everything. I should write later about the night i did yesterday, that was another one of those where i explored a balance between both sides, but that only works with people and places open to that in general. :)

I don't know The 6ths i think, so i will investigate it later, thx for another hint. :)

And don't worry about talking more with me, i really like it and myself talk a lot in general sometimes too, when we start talking about this. It's not everytime you find people you can talk about it and have those connections. :)
